Patient Leaflets
Alcohol Services - Alcohol and Substances Care Team
- Alcohol Services
Alcohol Services - Alcohol Care Teams
- Alcohol Services
Anaesthetics - Awake Lumbar Decompression Surgery
- Anaesthetics
Anaesthetics - Information for adults leaving hospital after surgery
- Anaesthetics
Anaesthetics - Nerve Blocks for rib fractures
- Anaesthetics
Anaesthetics - Pain Relief in Labour
- Anaesthetics
Anaesthetics - Regional Anaesthesia (Nerve Block) for Limb Surgery
- Anaesthetics
Anaesthetics - Sugammadex
- Anaesthetics
Anaesthetics - You and your Anaesthetic
- Anaesthetics
Anticoagulants - Anticoagulants - Which one?
- Anticoagulants (Blood thinners)
Audiology - Audiology Service - Dizziness Assessment
- Audiology (Hearing)
Audiology - Positional Dizziness
- Audiology (Hearing)
Audiology - Suction clearance of wax
- Audiology (Hearing)
Audiology - Tinnitus Assessment and Management
- Audiology (Hearing)
Audiology - Transition from Paediatric to Adult Audiology Services
- Audiology (Hearing)
Audiology - Vestibular Testing
- Audiology (Hearing)
Audiology - Your individual Management Plan
- Audiology (Hearing)
Bladder and Bowel Service - Bladder and Bowel Service - Heywood, Middleton & Rochdale Community
- Bladder and Bowel Service
Blood Transfusion - Intravenous Iron
- Blood Transfusion Service
Blood Transfusion Service - Advice for day case patients following a blood transfusion
- Blood Transfusion Service