Audiology - Vestibular Testing

Video head impulse testing (vHIT) and Videonystagmography (VNG) are tests that look at the way your brain combines information from your inner ear balance organs and your vision. They are used to help understand how well the balance systems are working.

What Preparation do I need prior to my appointment?

  • Do not drink any alcohol for 48 hours before the appointment
  • Do not take any medication you have been given for dizziness or sleeping tablets for 48 hours before the appointment
  • Do not wear contact lenses
  • Do not wear makeup, especially mascara or false eye lashes
  • Bring a list of all the prescription medications you take
  • If you work shifts avoid working the night before the appointment
  • Try not to eat immediately before the appointment or eat a light meal only. If you are diabetic, please eat as usual
  • If you have been referred by ENT department, please ensure your ears are free from wax prior to attending the appointment

What can I expect to happen at the appointment?

The appointment will be carried out by two Audiologists and will last approximately 90 minutes. To begin with you will be asked about your dizziness and any other relevant medical history. The Audiologist will explain the tests to you, and you will have an opportunity to ask questions.

You will then be asked to wear goggles with a camera to view your eye movements. You will be asked to look at various points and we will introduce warm and cool air into your ear canals to measure the response from your balance systems.

The tests are completely painless but some of them may make you feel a little dizzy for a few minutes. Please inform the audiologist if you need to stop at any point during testing.

What happens next?

The Audiologist will discuss the results with you and the practitioner who referred you to the service will be informed of the outcome of your appointment.

Additional information:

  • We accept calls from Relay formally known as Type talk
  • Please contact the department in advance if an interpreter is required
  • We are an accredited training centre and it is possible that a student may undertake some aspects of the appointment under supervision
  • There is limited availability for parking
  • If you would like any further information or have any special requirements, please contact the department using the details above

Contact Us:

Northeast Sector Audiology Service, Floor One, Nye Bevan House, Maclure Road, Rochdale, OL11 1DN

Telephone: 01706 674913

Find us on Facebook for more updates and advice @BuryOldhamHMRAudiology

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Date of Review: September 2024
Date of Next Review: September 2026
Ref No: PI_ICS_1984 (HMR)

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