Cancer - Salford Acute Oncology Team

Acute Oncology is a specialist support and advisory service for people admitted to Salford Royal Hospital as an emergency with a suspected cancer, problems arising from a previously diagnosed cancer or its treatment.

Macmillan Acute Oncology Nurses

Alison Redfern (Lead Nurse)

Lisa Ottiwell

Anne Forshaw-Mahon

Elise Green

Lara Yates

Victoria Jones

Macmillan Acute Oncology Co-Ordinator's

Jessica Robinson

Michelle Kershaw

Christine Wright

Joan Marshall

How can we help you? 

We are here to support you in several ways including advice and explanations regarding:

  • The investigation of your suspected or unknown primary cancer.
  • The management of complications associated with your cancer.
  • The management of complications associated with your cancer treatment.
  • Updating your team at The Christie Hospital regarding your admission to Salford Royal Hospital.
  • Information that may help you make decisions about the care and treatment you could be offered.
  • Answering questions you and your family/carers may have.
  • Referral for community support e.g. District Nurses, Community Macmillan Nurses.

What happens to you when you have been referred to the Acute Oncology Team?  

One of the team will visit you on the ward to talk to you about your care. This person will be your Acute Oncology Key Worker whilst you are in hospital. The Acute Oncology Nurse will liaise with the medical and nursing team who are looking after you when you are an inpatient and communicate any advice from your oncologist at The Christie.

The Acute Oncology Nurse can explain your plan of care - if you need any written details or information we would be happy to supply this.

How often will you see a member of the Acute Oncology Team?

The Acute Oncology Nurse will see you as often or as little as you like depending on your needs. We can also meet your family if you wish. The doctors and nurses on the ward will continue to oversee your care. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time for whatever reason.

Acute Oncology Service

Ground Floor, Clinical Sciences Building, Salford Royal Hospital, Stott Lane, Salford, M6 8HD.

Salford Acute Oncology Team

Working hours 9am – 5pm (Mon – Sun including Bank Holidays) Bleep: 5314
Office: 0161 206 2312 (int. 62312)/0161 206 0859 (int. 60859) or
0161 206 233 (int. 62313)

Patient Feedback  

Patient feedback is very important to us to improve the service and tailor acute oncology care to our patients, families and carers.
Please scan the QR code below and this will take you directly to the questionnaire.

QR code for patient feedback survey

Date of Review: April 2024
Date of Next Review: April 2026
Ref No: PI_M_1227 (Salford)

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