Physiotherapy - Occupational Health Physiotherapy

What is musculoskeletal physiotherapy?

The term musculoskeletal refers to muscles, bones, joints, nerves, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and spinal discs. Physiotherapists help and treat people with physical problems caused by illness, accident or ageing.

Occupational Health Physiotherapy

The Occupational Health Physiotherapy Service for The Northern Care Alliance provides physiotherapy for people suffering from musculoskeletal problems that are affecting their ability to work. A physiotherapist will carry out an assessment of your problem and then devise a treatment plan.

We aim to keep you fit and healthy at work, prevent sickness absence, and to support you to return to work safely following a period of sickness absence.

To be eligible for the service, you must have a musculoskeletal problem which is affecting you in the workplace or has led to an episode of sickness absence.

If you do not fit into the above criteria, you should seek advice from your GP.
You can access the physiotherapy referral form via: occupational-health
OR Email: to request a form

OR collect a referral form from the Occupational Health departments across the NCA – see addresses on the last page.

The Rapid Advice and Triage Service (RATS) is a daily telephone line manned every morning 9:00am-10:00am for NCA staff members or managers to get advice from the Occupational Health Physiotherapy team regarding referrals and fitness to be in work. The number is 0161 206 0581.

Who will I be seen by?

You will be seen by a fully qualified physiotherapist who specialises in occupational health and musculoskeletal physiotherapy. You may also be seen by a student physiotherapist who will be supervised closely by a qualified physiotherapist. You may also be seen by a physiotherapy assistant as part of your treatment plan.

How long will my appointment last?

Your initial appointment will last no more than 60 minutes. Any follow-up appointments will last no more than 30 minutes.

What should I wear?

Please wear loose comfortable clothing. The physiotherapist may ask you to undress to your underwear to examine you. If you have a leg or back problem, please bring shorts. If you use reading glasses please bring them with you, as you may be asked to complete a questionnaire to help the physiotherapist identify any specific problems you may have.

Please inform your physiotherapist on your first visit if you:

  • Have communication difficulties
  • Are or think you may be pregnant
  • Are being treated elsewhere (e.g.osteopath, chiropractor, acupuncturist or other physiotherapist)

What questions will the physiotherapist ask?

You will be asked a number of questions about your current condition, which might include:

  • The history of your condition (when it started)
  • Activities that increase the pain
  • Medication (it will be useful to bring a list of your medication)
  • Medical history
  • Your occupation, hobbies or interests and how they are affected
  • Your lifestyle and mental health

Special requirements

If you require communication assistance (e.g. translator or interpreter) or have any other additional needs, please inform the department before you visit.

What might the treatment involve?

Following your assessment the physiotherapist will discuss a treatment plan with you.

This might involve:

  • An exercise and self-care programme for you to follow at home
  • Manual therapy to restore movement in stiff and painful joints
  • Soft tissue release
  • Acupuncture
  • Referral to appropriate class
  • Lifestyle advice

Please refer to the SCARF section of the intranet:

Under the ‘Physical Wellbeing’ section you will find more information on exercise.

Under the ‘Environmental Wellbeing’ section you will find advice regarding workstation set up, ergonomic advice, and chair adjustments.

The team will be running health promotion events such as wellbeing walks and exercise sessions. Please look on the intranet for any upcoming events or sessions.


Remember you are able to say “no” to treatment or to ask for more information before you make up your mind. For certain procedures you will be asked to sign a consent form.

What happens if I am unable to attend my appointment?

Please contact the department as soon as possible so another appointment can be arranged. If you do not attend your appointment and do not contact the department within one week, you will be discharged from the service.


Tel: Occupational Health Department NCA wide: 0161 206 6896

Addresses for each Care Organisation

Salford Care Organisation
Occupational Health Department
Floor 3, Ladywell Building Salford
M6 8HD

Oldham Care Organisation
Occupational Health Building
Rochdale Road
Oldham OL1 2JH

Fairfield and Bury Care Organisation
Occupational Health Building
Rochdale Old Road
Bury BL9 7TD

Date of Review: February 2025
Date of Next Review: February 2027
Ref No: PI_DS_1362

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