Podiatry - Podiatry Direct - Self Referral Form

Please note we do not accept new patient referrals over the telephone.

What is self-referral?

Self-referral is a direct route to podiatry. It allows patients to access podiatry services without seeing a GP first.

Who can self-refer?

You must be 16 years of age or over with foot problems, and registered with a Heywood, Middleton or Rochdale GP. Parents or guardians can refer their children under the age of 16 years.

When should I not refer?

Self-referral is not an option for:

  • Routine nail cutting and skin care including corns and callus in healthy people
  • Verruca
  • Bunions
  • Fungal nail infections
  • If you have received treatment from the Podiatry Service for the same problem in the last 12 months and your underlying medical conditions have not changed

Useful Information and advice

For useful information and advice which you may find beneficial in helping you to manage your foot condition and information about the Podiatry Service, please visit:
https://www.northerncarealliance.nhs.uk/our-services/podiatry- hmr

Making a referral

To make a referral, complete the attached referral form, detach and return in post to address:

HMR Podiatry Service, Single Point of Access, 3rd Floor,
Nye Bevan House Maclure Road, Rochdale,
OL11 1DN

Or you can refer yourself online at: https://podiatrydirect.northerncarealliance.nhs.uk/

How to book an appointment

Please contact the service five working days after you send the form back to allow time for us to process your referral.

Not all patients will require an appointment, you may be sent a specific leaflet for self-care, or directed to the departments website.
If you are registered with a Heywood, Middleton or Rochdale GP please telephone 0161 206 0067 to make your appointment.

Self referral details

Self referral details

Contact us

For information about our Podiatry service, please contact us on the following details:

HMR Podiatry Service, Single Point of Access, 3rd Floor,
Nye Bevan House, Maclure Road, Rochdale,
OL11 1DN
Telephone: 0161 206 0067

Date of Review: July 2023
Date of Next Review: July 2025
Ref No: PI_DS_350 (BRO)

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