What is a hysterosalpingogram?
A hysterosalpingogram is an x-ray examination to demonstrate if there is a blockage of your fallopian tubes or to assess the shape of the cavity of the uterus. This helps the doctor to make a diagnosis to assist your treatment.
Who performs your investigation?
A radiologist or a specialist practitioner will carry out this investigation assisted by a radiographer. Radiologists or specialist practitioners are specially trained to interpret the images and carry out more complex examinations. They are supported by radiographers who are highly trained to carry out x-rays and other imaging procedures.
When can the test be done?
Between days 7 to 10 of your menstrual cycle providing you have a regular 28 day cycle. Please note that if you are still spotting you will have to ring and rearrange your appointment as the investigation cannot be performed.
What do I need to do?
Please ring the radiology booking team on 01706 906726 for Bury, Rochdale or Oldham or 0161 206 4100 for Salford on the first day of your period, so that an appointment can be arranged on days 7 to 10 of your cycle. If your period starts at the weekend, please ring the booking team on Monday morning.
It is essential that there is no possibility of you being pregnant when you attend for this examination. You must therefore completely abstain from having sexual intercourse from the start of your period until after the examination. You may be asked to sign a form to confirm this when you attend for the investigation. You may not always get an appointment the first time you ring, however we will try to do the test within 3 months. Ring us if you are still bleeding on the day of your test.
For Salford only: Please bring an early morning urine sample to your appointment and take painkillers 1 hour before your appointment.
What does the examination involve?
Once in the x-ray department you will be asked to change into a hospital gown. You will then be taken into the x-ray room and asked to lie down on your back on the x-ray bed. The hysterosalpingoram investigation is similar to having a cervical smear test but you will also have a small tube and some x-ray dye inserted into your uterus.
How long does the examination take?
The investigation takes about 30 minutes in total. This includes going through a safety checklist and explaining the procedure. The actual test takes 5 to 10 minutes.
Are there any side effects/after effects?
You may experience some abdominal cramps similar to period pains both during and after the investigation and some light spotting of blood. This is completely normal and you should manage this in your usual way. This examination does involve using a small amount of radiation. This dose is kept to a minimum to reduce the risks to yourself.
How do you get the results of your investigation?
The results of your examination will be sent to the consultant that referred you for the investigation. If you have any questions or concerns prior to the investigation you may contact the radiology booking team on 01706 906726 for Bury, Rochdale or Oldham or 0161 206 4100 for Salford.
Date of Review: December 2024
Date of Next Review: December 2026
Ref No: PI_DS_543 (NCA)