Speech and Language Therapy - Videofluoroscopy

Your Speech and Language Therapist has referred you for a Videofluoroscopy to assess your swallowing in more detail.

Patients undergoing a videfluroscopy

Why do I need a Videofluoroscopy?

A Videofluoroscopy is a procedure which uses x-rays to assess your swallowing. This allows the Speech and Language Therapist to see:

  • If food and/or drink is going into your airway instead of your stomach. This is called ‘aspiration’
  • What kinds of food and/or drink are the safest for you to swallow
  • If changes to the consistency of food/drink help you to swallow more easily and stop the food or drink entering your airway
  • If there are any head positions or swallowing techniques which can help you to swallow more safely

How is the Videofluoroscopy done?

  • The assessment is carried out in the radiology department (x- ray)
  • There will be a Speech and Language Therapist, a Radiographer and/or a Radiologist in the room
  • You will be asked to sit or stand next to the x-ray machine
  • You will be asked to eat and drink different consistencies of food and drinks mixed with Barium
  • Barium is a white liquid which has a slightly chalky taste. It is not harmful
  • You may be asked to change your head position while swallowing
  • The x-ray machine is only turned on while you swallow

Can I eat before this procedure?

Unless you have been advised otherwise you can eat and drink as normal before your appointment.

If you are currently feeding through a tube, you can take your feeds as normal up until your appointment time.

Are there any risks or complications?

  • A Videofluoroscopy is a safe examination, but there are some risks and complications that can arise. Although this is an x-ray procedure, exposure to radiation is kept to the minimum possible level
  • The barium can stay in your system for a few weeks and may make your stools look pale and chalky. Do not be concerned by this. You may feel constipated until all the barium has cleared. If you have any problems, please consult your GP for advice

What happens after the test?

The Speech and Language Therapist and the radiographer/ radiologist will discuss the outcome of the assessment.

You will usually be told the results immediately after the assessment. The Speech and Language Therapist may show you some of the video so that you can see for yourself what happens.

Your Speech and Language Therapist will use the results of the assessment to decide what treatment may help your swallowing and to discuss what foods and liquids are safe for you to swallow.

If you have any questions about this information, please contact the Speech and Language Therapy Department on 0161 206 5450 for in-patients or 0161 206 2333 for out-patients.

Date of Review: April 2023
Date of Next Review: April 2025
Ref No: PI_DP_1714 (Salford)

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