Stoma Care - To change a colostomy bag

Collect all the equipment you will need:

  • Warm water
  • Dry wipes or plain kitchen roll to clean
  • New stoma pouch
  • Disposable/rubbish bag
  1. Gently peel the used pouch off your skin
  2. Wipe around the stoma skin with dry wipe/or kitchen roll
  3. Using dry wipe/kitchen roll, gently wipe away excess faeces off the stoma (stoma may bleed - this is OK, vigorous wiping may cause bleeding)
  4. Using the wipes/kitchen roll, gently clean the stoma skin with warm water
  5. Dry stoma skin well, as new pouch will not stick to wet skin
  6. Peel the backing paper off the new pouch to expose the adhesive
  7. Place the hole in the pouch over your stoma, press down firmly to make sure there are no creases in the adhesive
  8. Tie disposable bag up well and throw in the dustbin
  • Your pouch needs changing when one third to half full
  • This may be once or twice each day
  • All equipment is available on prescription from your G.P
  • The equipment is available from a Home Delivery service or local chemist
  • Order more pouches when you have one week’s supply left i.e. 14 pouches left. This will be discussed further with you on discharge

Your local Stoma Care nurse is:

Telephone Number:

Salford Royal Hospital Stoma Care Department - 0161 206 4204

Date of Review: August 2024
Date of Next Review: August 2026
Ref No: PI_SU_1400 (Salford)

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