Urology - Your Key Worker

There is a team of urology specialist nurses who work across the hospitals of the North East Sector of the Northern Care Alliance (NCA).

This information leaflet is to let you know who your main contact from that team will be (called your ‘key worker’) and how to contact them, to talk or ask any questions you may have.

You can also contact your key worker for advice, information and support during your cancer treatment. You can talk to your key worker on the phone, or arrange a time to meet them in person.

Some patients go to other hospitals for their treatment. If this is the case you may be allocated a key worker at the hospital you go to, who will then be your main contact, but if you contact us we will still try to help if we can.

The nurses are members of a larger team of specialist professionals involved in treating the type of cancer you have, known as the multi-disciplinary team, or MDT for short - if you would like more information about the MDT you can ask your key worker.

You will also find a list on the back of this leaflet of all the consultants that work within NCA and the other hospitals which work in partnership with them.

Contact details

If your key worker is not available when you ring, any of the nurses will be happy to help you.

You may need to leave a message on the answering machine during busy periods. We aim to get back to you within 24 hours (except weekends and bank holidays when we aim to contact you on the next working day).

If you do leave a message, please leave your phone number and hospital number (so that we can access your hospital information more quickly).

Your hospital number:     

Your key worker is:

  • Annette German
  • Julie White
  • Ella O'Connell
  • Sofia Ali
  • Samantha Corlett
  • Aimee Howard
  • Jane Tunstall (Monday and Tuesday only)
  • Lynda Watmough - (Wednesday and Thursday only)

Please ring 0161 627 8792 to contact your key worker.

For further information you may contact the Macmillan Information and Support Centre at Royal Oldham Hospital between 9:00am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday.

They can be contacted by telephone: 0161 656 1026 or Email: macmillaninfocentre@nca.nhs.uk

Manchester University Foundation Trust Key workers (for patients having surgery at Wythenshawe Hospital):

Karen Robb/Laura Collings - 0161 217 3430
Elaine Plage - 0161 217 3163
Claire Fowler - 0161 217 3172
Joy Lugboso - 0161 217 3071

The Christie Foundation Trust Key workers (for those patients having Surgery/Radiotherapy or Chemotherapy at The Christie)

Mandy Bell - 0161 446 3725 - Sarcoma Lead
Sharon Capper - 0161 446 3856 (not in Thursdays) - Penile Lead Steve Booth - 0161 918 2369 (Tuesday to Friday)
Helen Johnson - 0161 918 7000
Jane Booker - 0161 446 8018 (Tuesday/Wednesday)
Cath Patterson - 0161 918 7328 (Wednesday to Friday) - Testicular Lead
Jill Youd - 0161 956 7328
Hotline - 0161 446 3658

The NCA works in close partnership with Manchester University Foundation Trust (Manchester Royal Infirmary and Wythenshawe hospitals) and The Christie Hospital.

During your care it may be necessary for you to be seen by another consultant for your care to be given at the highest standard by the most appropriate consultant.

Over the page you will find a list of the consultants that the urology department work with in other hospitals and those from NCA.

Northern Care Alliance (NCA) – Urology consultants:

Mr J G Calleary Mr J Cherian Mr Z Hussain Mr A Jain
Mr R Surange Mr R Hejj
Mr A Bourdoumis Mr B Hussain
Mr N Sharma Mr H Hassouna

Manchester University Foundation Trust - Urology consultants for cancer surgery

Mr A Mohee Mr D M Burke
Mr R Napier-Hemy Miss H Warburton Professor VJ Sangar Mr B Zelhof

The Christie – oncology consultants working in urology (radiotherapy/chemotherapy)

Professor A Choudhury Dr Welch
Dr R Conroy Dr T Waddell Dr A Tran

The Christie – urology consultants for specific cancer surgery

Mr Ramani Professor N Clarke Mr J Oates

Date of Review: April 2024
Date of Next Review: April 2026
Ref No: PI_SU_749 (BRO)


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