All patient leaflets have now been converted to webpages for greater accessibility. Please use the accessibility tools at the bottom of the page to increase text size, contrast or translate the information into a different language. The translation service is provided by Google Translate, please be aware this is not a 100% accurate manual translation service - see disclaimer.
Please use the keyword or specialty search below to find the leaflet you need.
Patient Leaflets
Alcohol Services - Alcohol and Substances Care Team
- Alcohol Services
Alcohol Services - Alcohol Brief Intervention & Advice
- Alcohol Services
Alcohol Services - Alcohol Care Teams
- Alcohol Services
Alcohol Services - Alcohol-Related Brain Injury (ARBI)
- Alcohol Services
Anaesthetics - Anaesthesia for Caesarean Section
- Anaesthetics
Anaesthetics - Awake Lumbar Decompression Surgery
- Anaesthetics
Anaesthetics - Epidural Analgesia Discharge Advice
- Anaesthetics
Anaesthetics - Information for adults leaving hospital after surgery
- Anaesthetics
Anaesthetics - Nerve Blocks for rib fractures
- Anaesthetics
Anaesthetics - Pain Relief in Labour
- Anaesthetics
Anaesthetics - Regional Anaesthesia (Nerve Block) for Limb Surgery
- Anaesthetics
Anaesthetics - Sugammadex
- Anaesthetics
Anaesthetics - You and your Anaesthetic
- Anaesthetics
Anticoagulants - Anticoagulants - Which one?
- Anticoagulants (Blood thinners)
Audiology - Audiology Service - Dizziness Assessment
- Audiology (Hearing)
Audiology - Positional Dizziness
- Audiology (Hearing)
Audiology - Salford Audiology Services
- Audiology (Hearing)
Audiology - Suction clearance of wax
- Audiology (Hearing)
Audiology - Tinnitus Assessment and Management
- Audiology (Hearing)
Audiology - Transition from Paediatric to Adult Audiology Services
- Audiology (Hearing)
Audiology - Vestibular Testing
- Audiology (Hearing)
Audiology - Your individual Management Plan
- Audiology (Hearing)
Bereavement - Care and Support in the last days of life
- Bereavement
Bereavement - Important information for bereaved family and friends
- Bereavement
Bladder and Bowel Service - Bladder and Bowel Service - Heywood, Middleton & Rochdale Community
- Bladder and Bowel Service
Blood Transfusion - Intravenous Iron
- Blood Transfusion Service
Blood Transfusion Service - Advice for day case patients following a blood transfusion
- Blood Transfusion Service
Cancer - Macmillan Acute Oncology Nursing Service
- Cancer
Cancer - Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression (MSCC) - what it means and how it can be treated
- Cancer
Cancer - Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression (MSCC) - What to look out for
- Cancer
Cancer - Monoclonal B-cell Lymphocytosis
- Cancer
Cancer - Salford Acute Oncology Team
- Cancer
Cardiology - A guide to your Cardioversion
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - A Guide to your Pacemaker Procedure
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Ambulatory 24hr Blood Pressure Monitoring
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Ambulatory ECG Monitor
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Autonomic Nervous System Testing
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Beta-Blockers
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Blood Pressure Monitoring
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Bubble Echocardiogram
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Chronic Heart Failure
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Clopidogrel 600mg Tablets
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Contrast Echocardiogram
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Coronary Angioplasty and Stent (PCI - Percutaneous Coronary Intervention)
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Direct Current Cardioversion for Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Discharge information following your Coronary Angiogram
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Diuretics
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Dobutamine Stress Echocardiogram
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Echocardiogram
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Echocardiogram
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Entresto (Sacubitril Valsartan)
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Exercise Stress Echocardiogram
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Exercise Tolerance Test
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Forxiga (Dapagliflozin) with Diabetes (Astrazeneca) external PDF
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Forxiga (Dapagliflozin) without Diabetes (Astrazeneca) - external PDF
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Head Up Tilt Test
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Heart Failure
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Home Exercises for the Cardiac Rehabilitation programme
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Implantable Loop Recorder (ILR)
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Pacemaker information following Implantation
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) Discharge Information
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - R Test Event Monitor
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Spironolactone or Eplerenone
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Stable Angina
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Steps to take for a Healthy Heart - A guide for those who have had a heart attack
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - The Valve Clinic
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Welcome to the Heart Care Unit (HCU) at Salford Royal
- Cardiology (Heart)
Cardiology - Welcome to Ward 2 - Integrated Cardiology Unit at Fairfield General Hospital
- Cardiology (Heart)
Chaplaincy/Spiritual Care - Emotional, Spiritual and Religious Care
- Chaplaincy/Spiritual Care
Chemotherapy - Chemotherapy
- Chemotherapy (Cancer treatment)
Chemotherapy - FLAG
- Chemotherapy (Cancer treatment)
Chemotherapy - FLAG - IDA
- Chemotherapy (Cancer treatment)
Chemotherapy - Having a Bone Marrow Biopsy
- Chemotherapy (Cancer treatment)
Chemotherapy - Treatment CODOX-M
- Chemotherapy (Cancer treatment)
Chemotherapy - Treatment DA
- Chemotherapy (Cancer treatment)
Colorectal - Anal Fissure
- Colorectal (Colon and rectum)
Colorectal - Colonic stent
- Colorectal (Colon and rectum)
Colorectal - Colorectal Cancer - Best Supportive Care
- Colorectal (Colon and rectum)
Colorectal - Colorectal Pathway - What happens next?
- Colorectal (Colon and rectum)
Colorectal - Discharge advice following the Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) Pathway (Colorectal)
- Colorectal (Colon and rectum)
Colorectal - Diverticulosis/Diverticular Disease
- Colorectal (Colon and rectum)
Colorectal - Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Pathway
- Colorectal (Colon and rectum)
Colorectal - Incentive Spirometer (1 ball)
- Colorectal (Colon and rectum)
Colorectal - Low Anterior Resection Syndrome (LARS)
- Colorectal (Colon and rectum)
Colorectal - Macmillan Colorectal Cancer and Stoma Care Support Worker
- Colorectal (Colon and rectum)
Colorectal - Returning home following your bowel cancer operation
- Colorectal (Colon and rectum)
Colorectal - Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEMS)
- Colorectal (Colon and rectum)
Colorectal - Your Colorectal Multidisciplinary Team explained
- Colorectal (Colon and rectum)
Complaints and Patient Advice Liaison - Complaints
- Complaints and Patient Advice Liaison (PALS)
Complaints and Patient Advice Liaison - PALS (Easy read)
- Complaints and Patient Advice Liaison (PALS)
Complaints and Patient Advice Liaison - Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS)
- Complaints and Patient Advice Liaison (PALS)
Critical Care - Critical Care Delirium
- Critical Care
Critical Care - Going to the ward after Critical Care
- Critical Care
Critical Care - Patient Diaries on Critical Care
- Critical Care
Critical Care - Tracheostomy
- Critical Care
Critical Care - Welcome to Ward 10 Critical Care Unit at Fairfield General Hospital
- Critical Care
Critical Care - Your discharge from the Critical Care Unit
- Critical Care
Day Surgery - Day Surgery Unit
- Day Surgery
Dementia - This is me (Alzheimer's Society - external PDF))
- Dementia
Dementia - Welcome to the Oasis Unit
- Dementia
Dermatology - Actinic Prurigo
- Dermatology (Skin)
Dermatology - Chronic Actinic Dermatitis
- Dermatology (Skin)
Dermatology - Contact Dermatitis Investigation Unit
- Dermatology (Skin)
Dermatology - Curettage and Cautery
- Dermatology (Skin)
Dermatology - Diphencyprone (DPC) Treatment for Alopecia Areata
- Dermatology (Skin)
Dermatology - Dithranol (Dithocream) Treatment for Alopecia Areata
- Dermatology (Skin)
Dermatology - Hand and Foot PUVA Phototherapy
- Dermatology (Skin)
Dermatology - Home DPCP Patient Application and Information
- Dermatology (Skin)
Dermatology - Hydroa Vacciniforme
- Dermatology (Skin)
Dermatology - Information Following a Shave Excision or Curettage and Cautery
- Dermatology (Skin)
Dermatology - Information for a sutured wound following skin surgery
- Dermatology (Skin)
Dermatology - Medicine or diet induced photosensitivity
- Dermatology (Skin)
Dermatology - Mohs Micrographic Surgery
- Dermatology (Skin)
Dermatology - Oral PUVA phototherapy
- Dermatology (Skin)
Dermatology - Photoaggravated Eczema
- Dermatology (Skin)
Dermatology - Photoaggravated Psoriasis
- Dermatology (Skin)
Dermatology - Photocontact or contact allergy
- Dermatology (Skin)