Reache Members Library Resources

This webpage is for Reache members who have been invited to join the Library.

Please contact the Reache staff if you would like to join the Library but have not been invited to do so.

Reache Induction Videos

Please watch the appropriate induction video. Links to the recommended resources mentioned in the videos are available below.


Reache Doctors' Induction
Reache Nurses' Induction

Library Search: To search for books, journals, articles and browse topics
UpToDate: Popular clinical decision-making tool
BMJ Best Practice: UK-based point-of-care tool
Clinical Key: Evidence-based collections Step-by-step illustrated clinical procedures
Royal Marsden Manual: Guidance on clinical procedures. Also available as physical book
MAH Complete: A selection of British journals for nursing, midwifery and allied health.

You may need an Athens account to access these resources. Contact for more information.

If you would like training on any of our resources, please complete the form on our Training Request Page.

You need an OpenAthens account to read these books online.

Print copies are also available at the Salford Royal site library. 

Please ask a member of staff or contact for help with these books.

Book title
Click on image to access
(Athens account required)
Communication Skills for OSCEs: How to Talk to Patients Effectively (2017)

Communication skills for OSCEs.jpg


Oxford Handbook for the Foundation Programme

Oxford handbook for the foundation programme.jpg


Oxford Assess and Progress: Situational Judgement Test (2022)

situational judgement test.jpg


350 Questions for the Situational Judgement Test (2016)

350 questions for the situational judgement test.jpg


The Situational Judgement Test at a Glance (2012)

The Situational Judgement Test at a Glance.jpg


Prescribing at a Glance (2014)

Prescribing at a Glance.jpg


Prescribing Scenarios at a Glance (2014)

Prescribing Scenarios at a Glance.jpg



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