Career Ambassadors

Inspire our Future Workforce

NCA Career Ambassadors 

This is the place where our staff are passionate about sharing their knowledge and time to advise and inspire our future workforce.

Did you know there are over 700 staff across the NCA who volunteer their time as an NCA Career Ambassador?

You can get involved in a number of ways by: 

  • Support careers fairs, mock interviews, speed networking, Q&A sessions, college healthcare career talks (virtual and face to face) 

  • Record short videos showcasing your role 

  • Mentoring  

  • Hosting cadet/t level, pre-employment placements 

  • Host one week max Work Experience (WEX) placements. These can be virtual and/or face to face 

If you share our passion and you‘re interested in becoming an NCA Career Ambassador, have a read of the Inspire Young Minds Career Ambassador guide, watch the videos and sign up below.

Allied Health Professionals

Naomi Pearson.pngI studied Dietetics Masters at Leeds Beckett University and am in my second year of practice. My interest in dietetics sparked through personal experience with close family where I noticed the difference a dietitian can make in both health and quality of life. I really enjoy my current role as a band 6 ACM (Ageing and Complex Medicine) Dietitian at Salford Care Organisation. This rotation aids my clinical development and meets my interest in oncology, frailty and care of the elderly as I am able to implement practical tips and nutritional advice to help people make healthier lifestyle choices and enhance the natural ageing process. My day to day job role often includes complex oral and enteral feeding care, staff and student training and audit work as well as some level of health promotion. I think it is a privilege to work for the NHS and I am proud to contribute to our free health care system. Working within the NHS, a diverse workplace, allows me to work with people from a wide variety of backgrounds, all bringing their individual perspective and expertise on medical practice enhancing patient experiences and care. I am exciting to see what the future entails, as an Allied Health Professional (AHP), I will experience a wide range of specialties’ in the coming years and feel my career options are unlimited.

Emily Jameson.jpgI chose to study Prosthetics & Orthotics as I have always loved making things! As soon as I heard about this course, where there was hands-on workshop time alongside studying sciences, I knew it was perfect. There are many rewarding moments when working as an Orthotist, from designing and experimenting with orthoses, to of course, seeing patients use them with success. I have also recently finished a research internship, and am excited to start my journey as an Early Careers Researcher.

Lydia and Mathilde.jpgLydia and Mathilde are both experienced physiotherapists currently working in the Respiratory Physio team.

They first joined our Trust in August 2020 completing rotations in various areas including respiratory, community, neurosurgery and orthopaedics. You will usually be able to find them in medical wards and on intensive care.

“We love helping our patients throughout their entire hospital journey; from critical care through to walking back out the hospital door to return home to their loved ones”

Tariq – NHS Careers Ambassador

I am delighted that Howard has decided to pursue a career in Clinical Coding! It was a pleasure to able to support and guide him as a NCA Careers Ambassador. When Howard came to see me he wanted to progress and develop his career in the NCA and spoke to him about the 350 plus careers in the NHS and talked about my journey in the NHS and gave him in insight into Clinical Coding with a presentation and some hands on experience at what the job entails. When the Trainee Clinical Coding job was advertised Howard felt he was ready to apply and was offered the post. The role of Careers Ambassador is both satisfying and enjoyable and I would encourage anyone who wants to inspire and motivate young minds to consider signing up as a NCA Careers Ambassador.

Antje.jpgAntje Teubner one of our NHS Career Ambassadors had this to say:

"I am an Associate Specialist in the Intestinal Failure Unit here at SRFT and have been in that position since 2007. Throughout my career I have been involved in teaching in various capacities. This includes medical students and post-graduate doctors as well as visitors to the unit and aspiring students/pupils. 

I would encourage people to make our work accessible to young people and let them see how we perform in our jobs. They are potentially the people who will be looking after us sometime – and it is our responsibility to make sure they feel equipped to do so! We all remember people throughout our education and training who inspired us to make certain choices – here is our opportunity to be one of them for the next generation. "

Careers Events and Resources: 

This is the place where we support schools and colleges.

Staff from the NCA support Careers Events, Mock Interviews, Presentations, Talks, Speed Networking, and Insight Days in Schools and Colleges, across Salford, Bury, Rochdale and Oldham.  

We also have a selection of Free Resources that you can use in your Careers Event. Please contact us, to find out how we can help.

Careers Ambassador Logo.png

Count me in

I am an NCA employee and I am interested in becoming a Career Ambassador: 

Complete the form and we will get back to you...


Get Involved in the Cadet Programme

There are different options for NCA staff members wanting to get involved: Cadet Ambassador, Champion, Cheerleader, Host or Trainer.


Were you a Cadet yourself? Or are you someone that just feels passionate about your job and inspiring the workforce of the future? We’re looking for enthusiastic individuals keen to share their career journey, job role and experience to inspire our current NCA Cadets. 


It’s up to you how you want to engage with the Cadets – group sessions, workshops, virtual talks and Q&A sessions – our Career Ambassador Team will support you in whatever you choose. Cadet Ambassadors of all levels are needed. No minimum commitment. 


Are you someone who is friendly and approachable and enjoys helping others? Cadet Champions of all levels are needed from Health Care Assistants to Lead Nurses. You will be supporting staff in your team during the Cadet placement with any queries or concerns as well as being a friendly face and point of contact and support for the Cadet. 


  • Agreement from Ward Manager / Team Leader and Practice Education Lead for the department to host a Cadet. 
  • Able to offer ad hoc support to Cadets and staff across either adult nursing, allied health professionals or healthcare science 


Do you currently work in the field of Adult Nursing, Allied Health Professions or Healthcare Science? If so, we want to hear from you! Whether you are community or hospital based there is an opportunity for you to host a Cadet as they start their journey within the NHS. Starting placement ready trained with basic skills – Cadets will be a real asset to the team right from day 1. They will be able to contribute to the day to day running of your service and provide bands 2+ with opportunities to develop their supervisory skills. This is your chance to inspire and motivate our workforce of tomorrow and perhaps even secure your next employee


  • Agreement from Ward Manager / Team Leader and Practice Education Lead. 
  • Able to offer minimum of 1 Cadet x 10 week placement (4 days per week Mon-Fri, 7.5 hours per day between 7am-5.30pm) across either adult nursing, allied health professionals or healthcare science 


Do you feel strongly about ensuring young people get the opportunities they deserve? Do you enjoy building relationships with others within and outside of your team? Cadet Cheerleaders are needed to promote the Cadet Programme across the NCA in order to increase the awareness of how valuable Cadets are to our future workforce and encourage uptake of placement hosts. 


It’s really up to you how you engage with your fellow colleagues – emails, team meetings, presentations, event stands, flyers. The Cadet Team will provide you with all the information you need about the Cadet programme and statistics around onward destinations of Cadets. No minimum commitment. 


Are you someone that enjoys helping others to learn? Do you want to share your knowledge, experience and skills in helping teach and educate the workforce of the future? Cadet Trainers are needed to help build up our bank of educational resources and be involved in virtual and face to face training sessions to keep Cadets and their Clinical Educators up-to-date with current practice and developments across adult nursing, allied health professions and healthcare science within the NCA. 


Trainers are needed of all levels from Health Care Assistants to Consultants with knowledge of current practices across Adult Nursing Teams, Allied Health Professions and Healthcare Science. No minimum requirement. 

If you are interested in supporting the Cadet programme in any way please contact

Get Involved in Supported Internships

Many of our staff already support the interns on the programme by offering placements, championing the programme in the local Care Organisation, or delivering adjusted mandatory training.  

We are always looking for teams across the NCA to open their doors and offer a term long placement to one of our interns. By doing this you will make a huge difference to the lives of our interns and you will get a lot out of it by seeing them gain confidence and independence in the job role. The intern receives training and support from a job coach until they are confident and able to do the job. 

If you are interested in supporting the Internship programme, please contact the Supported Internship Programme Lead for your Care Organisation: 

Get Involved in Into Healthcare Programme

 If you would like to host a placement or would be interested in employing one of our successful learners or know of somebody who would be interested in training with us, please contact Stacey Hoskin, Clinical Placement Manager at (anybody who wants referring on to the programme, Stacey will be happy to support and signpost to the relevant Growth Company Advisor.)  

Feedback from Hosts: 
“The two learners were both very caring compassionate people with a very good broad spectrum of knowledge regarding caring for patients.” 

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