Work Experience

Work Experience

If you’re at school or college, aged 14 or over and are considering a career in healthcare, then you can apply to join us for on Work Experience (one-week maximum).

You’ll be able to gain a real sense of what it’s like to work in a clinical setting such as Nursing, Medical or Allied Health Professionals as well as non-clinical roles such as Administration, Finance, Digital or Estates and Facilities. You will have the chance to decide whether it’s the right career path for you.

Our work experience placements are in very high demand therefore priority is given to those who live or are being educated within our NCA postcode areas. If you do not live or study in Oldham, Bury, Salford or Rochdale we will be unable to process your application.

Please note:

  • We do not offer placements in the evening or weekends.
  • If you are aged 14 – 15 years, it is a maximum of 3 days for a work experience placement.
  • Our work experience placements do not count towards a course or qualification and are observational only.
  • By returning this application form, it is not a guarantee we are able to secure a placement for you or for the dates that you have requested.  We will however do our best!

If you would like to apply for work experience, here are the dates of when you are able to apply:

  • From 1st February we will be accepting Work Experience requests for March, April & May
  • From 1st May we will be accepting Work Experience requests for June, July & August
  • From 1st August we will be accepting Work Experience requests for September, October & November
  • From 1st November we will be accepting Work Experience requests for December, January & February (please note that we are unable to accommodate Work Experience Placements week commencing 23rd and 30th December)

Please note that if you apply for Work Experience outside of these dates, we will be unable to process your application. For example, we would not be able to process your application if you applied in March for a placement in July, you would need to wait until 1st May to apply**.

**Placement processing times can take up to 4 weeks so please ensure that you complete the application form within enough time of your requested placement date.

To apply for a Work Experience placement please click here:

Work Experience Application Form

Radiology Work Experience

To qualify for Work Experience in our Radiology department you must meet the following criteria:

  • Age 17+
  • Have applied for a place at university to study a Radiology related qualification
  • Live or currently study in Salford, Oldham, Rochdale or Bury

Please note that if you do not meet the above criteria, we will be unable to process your application.

Please click here to complete the application form:

Radiology Work Experience Application Form

Clinical Attachments

We are not accepting Clinical Attachment applications at present. Our position on this will be reviewed again in the future, however this will be no sooner than April 2025.


I wanted to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for all your hard work and efforts in finding me a work experience placement that was one of the most memorable experiences I've ever had and definitely inspired me more than I thought it could to become a doctor one day!

Being in that environment with such dedicated and admirable individuals, (in particular Mr Chaparala) made me realise deeper what an incredible place it was to work in and I felt like I belonged in that environment and could see myself there which was a very impactful feeling.

It was a true pleasure and an honour to speak to everyone I encountered, both healthcare professionals and patients. although I am planning to take a gap year to spend some time in India and volunteer for those in need and gain work experiences in hospitals there to understand what the healthcare system is like in other countries, I am applying this year in case I change my mind! My first 2 choices are Newcastle and Nottingham university. I am a year 13 student so I will have my a levels in May.

Kind regards and much gratitude’ – Aastha, September 2022

‘I'm very grateful to 2 anaesthetic consultants that were exceptionally welcoming to me. Drs Ellie Chapman and Fiona Wallace, who welcomed me and invited me to stay with them. They even made the experience better because they explained everything to me and shared many experiences and opinions, which was very insightful for me and made the placement a lot more interesting.

Overall I really enjoyed the placement, it was an amazing opportunity I enjoyed every moment. It has also introduced me to more careers available in the NHS, especially in the theatre’ – Alex

Despite being put at a disadvantage due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Salford Royal NHS work experience team did everything in their power to provide us with the best virtual work experience.

The most amazing thing about the virtual experience is that we could connect with lots of different health professionals, each providing a unique and informative experience about their career and how it could potentially suit us as a future career.

This opportunity was one I will never forget, and I am so grateful I was able to communicate with such amazing and talented professionals who gave an incredible insight to what it is really like in their line of work, especially during tough times like 2020.

‘I wanted to thank you for this wonderful opportunity, I had a amazing time and I gained so many experiences and tips in the Physiotherapy, and Pharmacy. Everyone were amazing to work with. Especially thank you for inviting me to observe and be involved in these departments’ – Behrooz

My name is Howard, and I am currently pursuing a career in clinical coding.

I have worked for the NHS for 1 year as a Ward Clerk and I had hopes to explore different and new opportunities. Initially I did not know what clinical coding was, but with the advice and help provided by Careers Ambassador Mohammed Tariq, I gained an understanding and an interest to pursue this career path. I am very grateful to him, as this was an aspect of working for the NHS that I never knew about. For me, I can also see the importance of a careers ambassador as they provided me with a sense of access to my own development, allowing me to learn and solidify my role within the NHS. I look forward to see what the future holds.

I am extremely grateful to have had my Work Experience with Dr Sen and the rest of the team at Salford Royal, it proved to me that working in the healthcare sector is definitely what I would love to do.

I am going to be studying Biology, Chemistry, Psychology and Maths at A level and then hopefully move on to study medicine at university.

I am now a student physiotherapist at the University of Salford! 

Thank you so much for the experience provided in the physiotherapy department as I loved it and it put me in good stead when making my university applications

I would highly recommend taking part in a virtual work experience placement at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust.

For work experience that would ideally take place face to face, this placement was thoroughly engaging, interesting and enjoyable online. I was given the opportunity to listen to and talk with many different doctors from a range of specialties. They were fantastic at speaking about their field of medicine, current hot topics and their personal journey through medical training.

One highlight was being able to see part of a surgical procedure. This experience allowed me to gain a greater insight into the practice of medicine and the central role the NHS plays in delivering care to all, which has made me even more passionate to pursue my dream of becoming a doctor.

Just want to say a MASSIVE thank you for making this whole experience possible! I would also like to personally thank all the members of staff that was involved in the virtual work experience this week! The staff all provided amazing information and I think the majority of us will definitely be pushing for a career in the health care sectors!!!

I know personally I will be becoming a nurse and I think I know what field I would like to work in now!

Again! A MASSIVE THANK YOU for making this possible!

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Getting Involved:

If you are a member of staff and would like to get involved in supporting our programmes, visit our Career Ambassadors Page.

Some Career Options:

Microbiology Team at The Royal Oldham Hospital showcase the various careers within the department:

Tom Payet (Clinical Pharmacist at Fairfield General Hospital, Bury) recommends pharmacy as a career choice:


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