A place destined to be different, Rochdale Care Organisation puts co-operation and co-design at the forefront of its health and social care. We’re leading the way in community-based, integrated care and helping keep people of all ages well in their own homes.
Rochdale Infirmary, and the adult and children’s community services across Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale, consist of dedicated professionals from the health, social and voluntary sectors.
Together they provide a range of hospital and community services including:
- integrated neighbourhood teams
- borough-wide adult and children’s specialist nursing and therapy services
- health visiting and school nursing
- two intermediate care units
- an Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) which sees and treats a wide range of patients, the majority with minor illness and minor injury in both children and adults.
- Oasis Unit (a 10-bed facility which supports the in-patient management of acute medical illness in patients with delirium or cognitive impairment)
- a specialist eye centre including specialist eye theatres, a day case eye ward, and ophthalmology outpatient at Rochdale, Fairfield, and OIC in Oldham
- a short-stay medical inpatient clinical assessment unit (20 beds)
- day case surgery including theatres, day case area, urgent cancer surgery and a surgical ward
- Pennine Rheumatology Centre (covering Rochdale, Fairfield and North Manchester)
- intravenous therapy service
- diagnostics, including x-ray, MRI, CT scanning and blood testing
- antenatal services and early pregnancy unit
- outpatient clinics
- same-day emergency care
- vaccination centre